Teacher coaching

YOU ARE right here if these or individual questions apply to you:

role management

Your daily balancing act as a teacher pushes you to your personal limits?

time for me

Would you like to be the focus of your life again and find work-life balance?

conflict management

Do you have disagreements with colleagues and administrative officials and this is increasingly becoming a stress test for you?


Would you like to experience more serenity and satisfaction in everyday life, without constantly being in a conflict with work?


Are you longing for appreciation and recognition for the work you do?

professional plans

Are you planning to stay in the teaching profession or explore other career options?

anxiety management

Do you feel anxious, constantly overwhelmed, emotional blockages and can't find a solution?


Would you like more freedom, relaxation and recreation for yourself?

This is how I can help you!

Teaching today is proving to be more and more difficult.  Having to deal with administrators’ demands, parental concerns, student well-being and academic progress can lead educators drained, lacking  energy and in worst case, burn out.   I have first hand knowledge having taught for over 20 years and being a head of school for five years.  My coaching emphasises a motivational approach, facilitating behavioural changes that consequently lead to enhance well-being and better personal functioning.  I act as a “thought partner” in coaching relationships to enable the coachee to generate their own solutions. 

The goal is to focus on resilience as an educator which has shown to bring many benefits, one of which is higher psychological well-being and resilience.  A higher level of individual resilience lowers anxiety, distress and depression levels.  My  approach focuses on four parts and twelve dispositions that can help build resilience. 

Learn more about my methods for teachers and educators of family therapy and get to know me first hand! I look forward to us connecting to see if we are a fit for each other.

Arrange a free consultation !

Enjoy your life !

The sequence

  • Free introductory talk
  • Analysis of the current fields of action
  • Development of new behavioral strategies
  1.   With the help of various tools and tools
  2.   Solution and resource-oriented and empathetic way of working
  3.   Help for self-help – learn to overcome solutions yourself in the future
  • Coping and better handling of future stresses
  1. Extension of the relaxation phases
  2. Fill up with new life energy, serenity and joy
  3. Good work-life balance